Sell NFTs

There are also two ways to sell NFTs on Pikoswap:

A. Sell directly: Sell the NFTs directly to the existing pools with the best price possible.

B. Make a listing: List your NFTs, set the price you want, and wait for someone to buy them.

What's the difference between Sell directly and Make a listing?

When you sell an NFT on Pikoswap, it is immediately sold to the pools for the best price possible. This means that you complete the sale and get the tokens right away.

When you make a list on Pikoswap, similar to the most order book tradings, you can set whatever price you want, but you have to wait until someone buys it from you.

If you want to get instant liquidity for your NFTs, you should consider selling them. However, because of the way bonding curves work, you'll some experience slippage, meaning that you get slightly less than market value for your NFTs.

Slippage gets worse the more NFTs you sell from a collection, or the lower that collection's liquidity. If you aren't satisfied with the prices you can get for selling directly, you should list the NFTs and wait for someone to buy them.

Last updated